Some important takeaways from this very good TED Talk:
Listen deeply. Don't be afraid to learn right alongside. You don't have to be a content expert to teach meaningful knowledge and understanding. Sometimes the best teaching never happens inside the classroom. Usually the best learning comes from people you trust and love. Enjoy the ride. Did you know that when you get to Step 12 in the dissection of a cow's eye you will find a strange, shiny coating right behind the retina? This shiny coating is called the tapetum lucidum. Sounds like a magic spell from Harry Potter, right? Well, actually, not really.
Tapetum lucidum is a Latin phrase that means "bright tapestry." This shiny surface lining the back of the eye has special reflective properties that allow a cow to see better at night. Besides giving animals night vision, the tapetum lucidum is also responsible for making animals' eyes ‘glow’ in the dark. If you have an adventurous cat or have seen any pesky raccoons digging through your trash at night, you know what I mean. So, I guess tapetum lucidum is kind of magical after all. Click here to order everything you need to dissect your own cow's eye at home! |
Joe Manning is a Colorado public school teacher with a background in 3rd-12th grade education. He has helped hundreds of students achieve their learning goals both online and off, and he is excited to find smarter ways to help hundreds more do even better. Archives
January 2021